Rated 4 out of 5 stars

An elegant piece of software. Looking forward to TB24 compatibility; meanwhile, I used the following workaround (Win7); YMMV:
1. Copy all images from ...\Profile\Photos\{digits}.jpg to a temporary work folder.
2. Convert all images to PNG and rename to {digits}.jpg.png (can be batched using GIMP or other image-processing program).
3. Copy all .png files into each of the folders ...\Profile\contactPhotoThumbnails\*\ (* = 20, 64, 70, and 100).
4. In each of those folders, scale each image (again, can be batched) to N x N pixels, where N is the lesser of the folder name (20/64/70/100) and the value in "Display Contact Photo Options | General Settings | Maximum size of a photo".
5. Discard work folder.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.2.5).