Rated 3 out of 5 stars

This was a great add-on until September 2014. Since then, I constantly had synchronization problems. No tweak, update, or reinstall helped to solve the problems. It took ~5 minutes to start up Thunderbird because all the reminders would pop up, remove themselves, disappear, pop up again etc. On Windows, I wasn't even able to import the calendars anymore because one window in the import dialog remained blank. Needless to say that all three software components were up-to-date versions.

I am really sorry for the developer but I had to uninstall the add-on completely. My solution to the problem is now to install the caldav calendars myself manually:

Create new calendar on network -> Caldav
Use this address and replace "your-email-address" by google email address for main calendar and by the calendar ID (under settings in brackets) for any other calendar.


Type in PWs and follow 2-point authentification. Done!

Takes a bit of legwork, but ended all my problems, and TB starts up in a few seconds now.

P.S.: I had to put calendar.icaljs=false in the config editor to make caldav work.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.