
Dictionary of the Spanish language (Seach Engine)

This extension installs the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy's search engine in the browser and allows to search definitions (in Spanish) for any word from the search bar.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
50 weekly downloads


Buscador para el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (DRAE) (most authoritative dictionary of the Spanish language)

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (20)
37 weekly downloads

Linguatools context dictionary German-Spanish

Linguatools context dictionary German-Spanish with more than 96,000 translations and 2.4 million example sentences. Includes synonyms and grammatical information.

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5 weekly downloads

Diccionarios para Niñ@s

Diccionarios - Buscador de Significados, Sinónimos y Antónimos en Diccionarios de Internet. Protegido con SafeSearch

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5 weekly downloads

RAE dictionary lookup, unofficial version

Real Academia Española dictionary lookup.

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2 weekly downloads Dictionary - Diccionario

Allows searches using Andinia Dictionary (specializing in outdoor activities, expeditions and exploration, survival and first aid, sports and exercise, ecology and environment, travel and adventure) through the navigation bar of Firefox.

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0 weekly downloads