Разработка и комфорт / Development and comfort
by kossmoss
About this Collection
Комфортный FF для PHP-разработчика. Для русскоязычного - в особенности! / Comfortable FF for PHP developers. Especially for Russian-speaking!
10 Add-ons in this Collection
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
by Felix Dahlke
242 users
Fight the text ads! Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier.
Russian spellchecking dictionary
by Alexander Slovesnik
17,067 users
Russian spellchecking dictionary
Save Images
by Lumox
27 users
Save Images saves the images from the current tab page, from the cache, to a specified location, with either the images original file name or a file name that you specify.
by Stevie Smith
2 users
Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page. The successor to Super DragAndGo.
Lurkmore (ru)
by wosarat
3 weekly downloads
Searching in lurkmore.ru. Search suggestions are supported.
dip search
by kossmoss
1 weekly download
Поиск по сообществу http://drochu-i-plachu.livejournal.com с помощью поиска по блогам Yandex
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