Rated 4 out of 5 stars

From what I know he didn't even create this add-on, but only changed few words and while real authors are not asking for donation, HE DOES?! Please, let me know if I am wrong because I couldn't find anything for defense of this guy.

What is more: okay, I understand we have different believes, religions... but look at his page! I am really concern for mental health of this man. Being part of sect that tries to insinuate that everything around us is a government lie, and there are elders and aliens who know "the truth" and LIZARD-PEOPLE are evil that tries to destroy humanity is a little bit too weird for someone who is healthy. Like, I am not making fun of him, I am really concern about him and about true goal of this donation. :( He even says that is a lie we are getting older and he thinks he is not getting older because he wear special jewelry!! Like seriously? :( Please, someone check if he really had anything to do with this add-on and if this donation is really reasonable in this case. :( Someone should really talk to his guy, I had friend who had similar "beliefs" and he is diagnosed with schizophrenia. He lives normal, just don't work because is dangerous in his opinion. So he is 30-something and parents pay for his medication which changes almost nothing. :(

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.37).