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Requires Restart
1) adds column with percent likelihood that a message is spam, 2) extends junk status column to show why a message was classified as junk/good, 3) adds an Uncertain folder for messages needing user decision.
Chat Notifier with Pop-Ups
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Allows to be notified when you receive chat message in Thunderbird.
Change Referer Button
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Button in the toolbar/status bar to change referer value.
Personal Level Indicators
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Shows an indicator so you can tell if an email was addressed only to you (»), a group (›), or a mailing list.
Add-ons Button
Opens the Add-ons window to perform tasks on your installed Extensions, Themes, Plug-ins and Language packs.
Rikaichan Japanese-Hungarian Dictionary File
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This is a dictionary file add-on for the Rikaichan extension.
Automatic Export
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exports by an intervall or after pressing the button selected calendars in a defined folder in two modes - normal and backup...
On my homepage is the current version.
Here on this site it takes a long time after i publish a new version.
Eesti keele speller
Estonian spellchecking dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey...
Requires Restart
Displays a slideshow of picture attachments. When email has attached pictures, it displays "View as Slideshow" button next to the attachment. Button click pops a slideshow window with all the images, allowing you to zoom in/out, save...
Requires Restart
ThunderCal simply gives you a toolbar button that you can use to run Google Calendar inside Thunderbird. Inspired by the ThunderWave add-on.
KOLOBOK Smiles for Firefox
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Firefox extension for KOLOBOK-Style smiles (
(based on Smiley Extra version 4 by James Baker)
Toolbar to use kolobok smiles in forums and blogs.
WordReference Translator
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Open a tab with WordReference's translation for the selected word. Through a floating link, or by pressing "D" key.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.