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Personal Level Indicators
Requires Restart
Shows an indicator so you can tell if an email was addressed only to you (»), a group (›), or a mailing list.
Rikaichan Japanese-Hungarian Dictionary File
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This is a dictionary file add-on for the Rikaichan extension.
Automatic Export
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exports by an intervall or after pressing the button selected calendars in a defined folder in two modes - normal and backup...
On my homepage is the current version.
Here on this site it takes a long time after i publish a new version.
Eesti keele speller
Estonian spellchecking dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey...
Requires Restart
Displays a slideshow of picture attachments. When email has attached pictures, it displays "View as Slideshow" button next to the attachment. Button click pops a slideshow window with all the images, allowing you to zoom in/out, save...
Requires Restart
ThunderCal simply gives you a toolbar button that you can use to run Google Calendar inside Thunderbird. Inspired by the ThunderWave add-on.
KOLOBOK Smiles for Firefox
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Firefox extension for KOLOBOK-Style smiles (
(based on Smiley Extra version 4 by James Baker)
Toolbar to use kolobok smiles in forums and blogs.
WordReference Translator
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Open a tab with WordReference's translation for the selected word. Through a floating link, or by pressing "D" key.
Any key
Requires Restart
Allows typing into phonetic Russian, Ukrainian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Hindi Davangari, Hebrew, Mongolian, greek... transforming translit into the choosen language...
Restartless Restart
This 15KB restartless add-on will add a "File" -> "Restart" menu item and a ctrl/cmd + alt + r hotkey to restart Firefox or Seamonkey.
Requires Restart
Have you ever accidentally deleted an event and didn't notice? Undo is no longer available? Then this extension is for you! All deleted items are put into a special Trashcan calendar for your safety.
Requires Restart
Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.
Old-style smilies
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Reverts the smilies in Thunderbird to those of version 2.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.