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Filter Button
Allows to add a button to the message header view toolbar that shows all filters that match the selected message, including manual and disabled filters. A click on the button allows to select a filter to run.
Copy Message ID
Adds a button to the message view toolbar to copy the message ID to the clipboard. This is useful when sending email replies via the command line.
This extension adds "Logout" to the folders/accounts context menu.
After you "Logout" you will be asked again for passwords for this account (incoming and outgoing) without the need to restart thunderbird.
US English Medical Dictionary
Requires Restart
Adds 7,500+ medical terms to the standard US English dictionary. Enabled by right clicking on a textarea, selecting "Languages" then "English (Medical)". For use in Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey.
Add contact to CC by mentioning in body with @
Use @ to mention somebody on an email to link and add to the CC.
Zivver for Thunderbird
This extension automatically detects Zivver messages and decrypts them on-the-fly using the Zivver API. Messages are decrypted only when actively displayed by the user and are never stored locally.
Email Cleaner
Email Cleaner is an extension that allows you to delete emails from specific senders or specific subjects older than a certain number of days. The plugin is multilingual.
RepSel: Reply to all selected mails
Reply to all selected messages with a single button press. E.g., compose a reply to all emails in a folder or those matching a search. Req. permissions: menues to add UI, messageRead to get sender, compose to add recipients, storage for settings.
TransliteRussian for Thunderbird
Печатаем по русски на разных клавиатурах.
E-Mails auf Russisch auf verschiedenen Tastaturen in Thunderbird.
Typing Russian on English, German and other keyboards without thinking about the layout.
New Folder Filters Button
Toolbar button to execute Run Filters on Folders from Tools menu
(based on Folder Filters Button Add-on for Thunderbird 68 by Chris Malek)
Quick & easy PGP encryption / decryption tool
* Save & use many public encryption keys to encrypt mail content
* Save & use many private decryption keys to decrypt mail content
Using openPGP.js
Open Source
Zeigt eine Zusammenfassung von XRechnungen / ZUGFeRD-Rechnungen der ausgewählten E-Mail (Attachments) an. Außerdem stellt es einen Bezahlcode (QR-Code) dar, der mit entsprechender App eine Überweisung mit den Daten aus der Rechnung auslöst.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.