
Chuvash spellchecker dictionary

Chuvash dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird

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1 user

Uyghur Spelling Dictionary (Уйғурчә Имла Луғәт)

Uyghurche Imla Lughet Уйғурчә Имла Луғәт
Enables spell checking in any text field for Uyghur Cyrillic Alphabet.

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1 user

URL Link

URL Link is a small Thunderbird extension that allows you to select a non-URL in a mail/news message or web-page, and open it in a browser window.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (6)
2,210 users

Bulgarian+Germany Spell Checker

Едновременна проверка на правописа за български и немски езици
Simultaneous spelling of Bulgarian and German
Gleichzeitig Schreibweise von bulgarischen und deutschen

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10 users

Night and Day Dynamic

A theme that switches between sun and moon based on time of day.

This is the canonical example dynamic theme published by Mozilla:

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (2)
938 users

Lojban spell check dictionary

Spell check dictionary for Lojban.

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2 users

Toggle Line Wrap

Toggle wrapping of long lines in the message composition window when writing plaintext messages. Wrapping can be controlled via a toolbar button and a keyboard shortcut.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (13)
951 users

Tomba : Email Finder

Data to power your entire business, with just one click.

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30 users


Notes with rainbow colors.
7 notepads are utilized as several memos if needed.
Or, these 7 notepads are used by days of the week.

February 28th 2021.

Sungho Hwang.

I love God.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (1)
187 users

✨ Awesome Emoji Picker ✨

Modern, nice emoji picker that you can use to find and select emojis. It will be copied to your clipboard or even directly inserted into the e-mail, when you click on it.

You will certainly like it.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (10)
5,814 users

Mark GMail Read

Automatically marks all messages in [Gmail] folder as read.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
123 users

ProtonMail Encryption Status

When using ProtonMail Bridge to integrate Mozilla Thunderbird withProtonMail, it's not easy to tell which emails were end-to-end (E2E) encrypted. This add-on puts an icon in the toolbar above every message to show you its encryption status.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (6)
701 users


cb_thunderlink is a thunderlink replacement.
Clickable, durable links to specific messages inside Thunderbird.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (8)
177 users

Simple Startup Minimizer

This extension will minimize Thunderbird on startup, it is very simple and I didn't put much work into it but it should work on all platforms. Please let me know if you want more features added into it.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (31)
7,791 users


Fixes smileys that show in emails created by Outlook as J.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (4)
1,003 users

WhatsApp - Thunderbird

Adds browser action icon to toolbar to open WhatsApp.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars (1)
219 users

EagleCloud Extension

Works along with EagleCloud Information Security product to secure sensitive information based on company policy.

Not yet rated
4 users

Signature sync for Gmail

This extension allows you to automatically use your signature from Gmail accounts in Thunderbird. No longer need to maintain two separated signatures!

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (9)
1,344 users

Message Mover

This add-on lets you move messages from a specific folder (and sub-folders) to a new folder.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (10)
480 users

Add contact to CC by mentioning in body with @

Use @ to mention somebody on an email to link and add to the CC.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (5)
350 users