
New Bing Anywhere

New Bing isn't just for Edge anymore. Anywhere you want

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (2)
18 users


Eine Thunderbird-Erweiterung, welches Binnen-Is und Ähnliches von Webseiten entfernt. Es basiert auf der bekannten Firefox Erweiterung Binnen-I be gone.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (5)
216 users

Estimez votre CO₂

Estimez votre CO₂ quand vous rédigez un courriel en un simple clic ! Pendant sa rédaction, cliquez sur l'extension afin de connaître l'émission de CO₂e générée par l'ensemble du cycle de vie. Vous aurez aussi accès à différentes équivalences utiles.

Not yet rated
71 users

@Contact Mention

This add-on mimics the mentions behavior on Outlook when mentioning a contact with the '@' sign. The contact selected is added as a link in the email body as well as to the recipent list of the email.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (10)
1,397 users

Render Markdown Messages

This extension renders markdown-formatted messages as rich text. It preserves the fonts and formatting of plain text messages but adds support for markdown features like lists, code blocks, etc.

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128 users


Link hints for messages

This addon adds a keybinding (ctrl+shift+E) for displaying hints next to each link in an email message. Enter the hint text into the box at the bottom of the message to open that link in the system's default web browser.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
1 user


Replace placeholders with date and time as you type.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (1)
11 users

Dolnoserbski pšawopisny słownik

Lower Sorbian spellchecking dictionary by the Sorbian Institute.

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6 users

Spellchecker Rumantsch Grischun

Spellchecker Rumantsch Grischun

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3 users


When reply to all is used, move original To: recipients to Cc:
Also forces "Cc:" to be displayed on all new messages.

GitHub Repo:

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (4)
790 users


Allow the user to configure custom CSS that will be added to messages when edited
(new, reply and forward). The custom CSS will be added to a newly created <style>
element in the email's head.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (4)
214 users

Joplin Export

Export your emails from Thunderbird to Joplin. To use the add-on, a running Joplin application is required (

Please note that this is not an official product of the Joplin team, but rather developed by a private person.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (12)
468 users

Copy Timestamp

Copy the timestamp and/or email addresses of the sender, recipient, etc. to the clipboard in various formats.

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57 users

Open in XPS | XPSLogic

U kunt met deze extensie tickets en taken openen door middel van de knop open in XPS

Er moet wel eerst een client worden ingevuld dit kunt u invullen onder opties

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6 users


WES Solucoes Tecnologicas Ltda

Not yet rated
8 users

Paste code

Thunderbird addon creating a context menu option that pastes code beautifully in HTML messages

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159 users

Mark Read on Tab Open

Mark messages as read when you open them in tabs.

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41 users

eMail Address Finder

This finds all email addresses in Body, From, & CC fields.

It will then put them all into a single menu.

You can click on the menu & copy the address.

For those wrangling email addresses all day, it's a massive time saver.

Not yet rated
78 users


ObsidianClipper is a Thunderbird extension to clip emails to the Obsidian notetaking application. Save an email to Obsidian seamlessly with one click. Customize the format of new note titles and note layout.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (7)
470 users

Correcteur français en orthographe rationnelle

Ce correcteur simplifie l'orthographe selon les propositions de l'association Érofa :
- Suppression des consonnes doubles inutiles : "doner"
- Simplification des mots d'origine grecque ('ph' > 'f', 'th' > 't', etc.)
- 'x' finaux remplacés par 's'

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (4)
3,057 users