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Total Drupal Instant Search
This search is designed to jump to module pages faster and search Drupal-related stuff easier.
This search uses Google I'm Feeling Lucky search with Drupal keyword to redirect you to the correct project page, issue queue, documentation,API docs,etc
Lattes Search
This plugin performs searches Curriculum on Lattes platform of CNPq.
Este plugin permite realizar buscas de currículos Lattes.
PlazaMp3.Com is a site music search engine for locating an mp3-audio and videos files over the Internet. We don't host any files on the server, all data comes from various different sources on the internet.
PeopleBooks Search
Search PeopleBooks. This search plugin offers you capability to search Peoplebooks.
Find Support, Owner's manuals, Instructions, Troubleshooting and FAQs |
Plugin de recherche personnalisée dédié aux adeptes du deux, trois et quatre roues ! Recherchez parmi des milliers de produites sélectionnés par le site E-commerce, qui vous protègerons et embellirons votre monture.
Nieruchomosci | Wyszukiwarka nieruchomości.
GoogleUK Worldwide Search
Simple Worldwide search from Useful for ex-pats or people on Tooway Satellite broadband with non-UK IPs.
server5 - Die alternative Internet Suche!
Dieses Such-Plugin verwendet die alternative Suchmaschine server5.
Sahidic Bible
Ch. Askeland and M. Schulz created this regex-searchable database in 2010 with the assistance of T. Griffitts. The data has been corrected and expanded by the Göttingen Coptic Old Testament team. The Göttingen team now manages the database.
Guia Mais Busca
Busca integrada ao Firefox para o site Guia Mais - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
Lavid Online-Support-Portal Suche
Das Online-Support-Portal der Lavid Software GmbH durchsuchen. Finden Sie Antworten auf die häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu unserem ERP-System Lavid-F.I.S.
Budget Accommodation
The best hotels and deals comparison engine with reviews from trusted sources only
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.