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Wiktionary (en)
Search, the free-content multilingual dictionary quickly and easily - and without wasting time and bandwidth on ads.
Find the translation of the word in Suggestions are supported.
Linguatools context dictionary German-English
Linguatools context dictionary German-English with more than 540,000 translations and 2.5 million example sentences. Includes synonyms and grammatical information.
Linguatools context dictionary German-Spanish
Linguatools context dictionary German-Spanish with more than 96,000 translations and 2.4 million example sentences. Includes synonyms and grammatical information.
Google Translate ANY => UK
Translate from any supported by Google Translate language to Ukranian.
Larousse FR-EN v0.1
Add word translation French to English by to the search box.
Larousse EN-FR v0.1
Add word translation English to French by to the search box.
ע\ع (Ayn\Ayn) Lookup [former ע\ع Converter]
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GP text research tool: transliterates Arabic/Syriac/Aramaic texts to Hebrew writing system, uses Wikipedia as a dictionary utilizing ¨see in anther language¨ links. Interface to dictionaries and encyclopedias. Select a text and use the context menu.
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