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Baidu Dict( Online Chinese-English Dictionary Search Engine
Baidu Dictionary is an Online Chinese-English Dictionary Search Engine, quick access, convenient for everyday use.
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Durchsuche (Google Schweiz) mit Vorschlägen.
Private Suche (ehemalige Anfragen gehen nicht in die Suchergebnisse ein) / Domain wechseln (verfügbar: .de, .at, .ch, .com) / Bilder, Videos, News, Maps, Shopping, Bücher, Blogs
News Reader
News Reader - Nachrichtensuchmaschine. Durchsucht Zeitungen, Magazine und Blogs nach aktuellen Nachrichten.
benefind - Sie suchen, wir spenden.
Mit jeder einzelnen Suchanfrage unterstützen Sie eine Organisation Ihrer Wahl!
MetaGer English Metasearch for the Tor Browser
MetaGer: Privacy Protected Search & Find
OneLook (all dictionaries)
Search multiple dictionaries, indexed by the OneLook website.
IPv6 Google Search
An OpenSearch plugin for Google on IPv6.
Got IPv6 connectivity? Be one of the first Internauts to use as your default search engine!
Valide seu HTML e CSS - Desenvolvimento da busca integrada: EduRebecca
Soŋay senni hantum tenjandikaw
Soŋay senni hantum tenjendikaw kaŋ ga goy nda Firefox, Thunderbird nda Seamonkey
Songhay Spellchecker for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey.
ქართული ორთოგრაფიული ლექსიკონი
ქართული ორთოგრაფიული ლექსიკონი - Georgian spell checking dictionary.
Work in progress, please help improving:
The dictionary contains words from word lists by Dato Bumbeishvili and Kevin Scannell.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.