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server5 - Die alternative Internet Suche!
Dieses Such-Plugin verwendet die alternative Suchmaschine server5.
Sahidic Bible
Ch. Askeland and M. Schulz created this regex-searchable database in 2010 with the assistance of T. Griffitts. The data has been corrected and expanded by the Göttingen Coptic Old Testament team. The Göttingen team now manages the database.
Guia Mais Busca
Busca integrada ao Firefox para o site Guia Mais - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
Lavid Online-Support-Portal Suche
Das Online-Support-Portal der Lavid Software GmbH durchsuchen. Finden Sie Antworten auf die häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu unserem ERP-System Lavid-F.I.S.
Budget Accommodation
The best hotels and deals comparison engine with reviews from trusted sources only
ALB Search
Search through the Albanian Bible (ALB) with ease. Powered by BiblePub.
Search many Engines
Search many Engines at once (Google& Bing)!
Searchtags for Google, Bing,, Gamecopyworld, Wikipedia, Cheathappens
Suchen Sie nach Geschäften in Ihrer Nähe, oder Online-Shops aus ganz Deutschland. Über das Searchplugin einfach zunächst nur die Branche oder ein typisches Produkt eingeben, beispielsweise „Mode“ oder „Jeans“.
Estonian - English
Estonian > English translation with online dictionary. is a new kind of social application development environment. Find services, widgets, apps hosted on zembly using this search tool.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.