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Te Papakupu Māori
Te Papakupu Māori enables real-time spell-checking and suggestions for te reo o Aotearoa and te reo o Tai Tokerau. e.g. maori, Maori -> Māori.
Swati spell checker
Your Swati spell checker allows you to check spelling in Swati and avoided typing errors in Firefox and Thunderbird.
Now you don't need to see your Swati text underlined in red, allowing you to type with pride.
Wisp Wishlists
Use the Wisp plugin to create Wishlists by Adding products from your favorite online shops. Share wishlists with your friends and family, or use the system to find gifts
DPMenu - Menu
Requires Restart
Dodatek dodający szybkie menu portalu
Myspace Music
Myspace Music Search - Search Myspace for your favourite music straight from firefox!
Torrents custom search engine
Download Torrents with rollyo custom search engine.
Compare drug prices out of your browser and choose the best customer reviewed online pharmacy. That gives you more safety for lower prices.
Eccellio Movies - Search Engine
Eccellio Movies helps you find everything about the fabulous world of Cinema, from glamorous Actor and Actress, Awards, Criticism, Directors, Film Festivals, Home Video, Memorabilia, Reviews, Soundtrack, Theaters and so on. Enjoy Eccellio Movies!
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.