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Scrabble Word Finder
Scrabble Word Finder Searches for words in Scrabble, Wordscraper, and Lexulous games from a large open-source dictionary.
eBay Search Suggestions for Italy
Official eBay search add-on. Use eBay Italy's search suggestions to search for products directly from your browser, with suggestions as you type to speed up your shopping experience.
SayMove! Video Search
Google SSL,en-US,verbatim over SSL, verbatim results, that doesn't default to local Google site when outside the USA, without restricting search to the English language.
Search open source java code examples with
Search java open source code examples with given class name, method name etc.
Eaglefinds-Beta 1.0 (Yahoo, Bing and Google)
Eaglefinds Search
No more switch between search engines.
Organic search results no manipulation in the result.
Google, Bing and yahoo
Discover more in depth, * Search all possibilitie * Single click and make your decision.
Paste to Tab and Go
Requires Restart
Paste URL or text to any tabs or a new tab and load it immediately, like 'Paste & Go' feature, but unlike 'Paste & Go', this extension will paste text from clipboard to a tab without focusing on the tab first.
Translate English to Romanian
Translate english to romanian with google translate service.
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