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Detect Pro
Detect Pro - Equipes artisan ce tient à votre disposition pour réaliser vos travaux ou de même des projets de rénovation et avec exigence pour vous satisfaire. Suche
Altensteiger Start- und Suchseite. Suchmaschine um das Web zu durchsuchen und News zu lesen.
百度翻译 translate to vie
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译-任意语言 翻译为 越南语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Vietnamese
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
Wyszukiwarka treści w serwisie Kolumna24
Korzystaj z tego dodatku aby znaleźć dowolny artykuł opublikowany w serwisie informacyjnym Kolumna24 z wiadomościami z Łasku w regionie łódzkim.
Chichewa Spell Check
This is a real time Chichewa Spell Checker (Malawi) supported on Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey.
IE Tab V2
Requires Restart
Ported version of IE Tab V2 (Enhanced IE Tab) that is compatible with SeaMonkey 2. Based on work.
Latgalīšu volūdys pareizraksteibys vuordineica
Biblioteka latgalīšu volūdys pareizraksteiys puorbaudei Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Fennec
Dictionary of Spanish / Nicaragua
Dictionary of Terms of Nicaragua, Spanish dictionary based internaconal, adding support on behalf of cities and fruits, animals, plants, references, local echos and terms accepted by RAE.
Venetan spellchecker for Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey using the spelling of Mauro Trevisan.
To enable, right-click in a multi-line text box, select "Check Spelling", then select "Languages" and then "venetan".
Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary
A Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary (tl) for Pale Moon, Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey.
Zeiler-Sutto Latin Dictionary
Novum dictionarium orthographicum ad usum cursus electronici. Centum et triginta milia sermones (ex opera Sallustis, Ciceronis, Cæsaris, Ovidi, Vergili, Catulli, Taciti, Senecæ, Nepotis) continet. Carolus Zeiler & Johannes Petrus Sutto præparaverunt.
Manually sort folders for SeaMonkey
Requires Restart
This extension allows you to manually sort (order) your folders in the folder pane of SeaMonkey Mail or automatically sort them, but in a better way. This extension also allows you to re-order accounts in the folder pane.
Select Search Shop
Select Search Shop : select text and Search in different shops.
1. Select: Select product name/text
2. Search: Click on right click and search in different top shops.
3. Shop: Shop/Buy the product.
4. Get products at low price & Save Money.
Backslash to Forward slash
Firefox does not convert backslash to forward slash in URL automaticaly and does not open the link. This add-on corrects the URL with backslash and open page.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.