Rated 1 out of 5 stars

1) I m trying cancel downloads but it is not actually cancel them, it just pausing them. How can I abort a download? :-(
You can still see them with CTRL+J waiting in queue.
2) Please let us add a notification sound (custom) ;-)
3) By Canceling (Pausing) a download, the bar is not closing!

I m respecting your work, so I ll keep posting suggestions.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 


Thank you very much for your review.

Could you please install v1.8.8 which includes below features?

✓ Download Complete Color
✓ Play notification sound (supports .ogg, .wav, .mp3 file types)
✓ Pause/Start/Cancel buttons
✓ Delete File
✓ Double click on empty bar space will auto clear completed download items

