
Birthday Calendar

Adds calendars containing the birthdays from your address books.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (22)
4,573 users

DeepDark for Thunderbird Requires Restart

Dark mode for Thunderbird UI

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (44)
117 users

RepSel: Reply to all selected mails

Reply to all selected messages with a single button press. E.g., compose a reply to all emails in a folder or those matching a search. Req. permissions: menues to add UI, messageRead to get sender, compose to add recipients, storage for settings.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (3)
115 users

TransliteRussian for Thunderbird

Печатаем по русски на разных клавиатурах.
E-Mails auf Russisch auf verschiedenen Tastaturen in Thunderbird.
Typing Russian on English, German and other keyboards without thinking about the layout.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (1)
42 users

Dolnoserbski (dsb) rěcny pakśik

Lower Sorbian language pack for Thunderbird - Dolnoserbski rěcny pakśik za Thunderbird - Niedersorbisches/Wendisches Sprachpaket für Thunderbird

Not yet rated
15,207 users

New Folder Filters Button

Toolbar button to execute Run Filters on Folders from Tools menu
(based on Folder Filters Button Add-on for Thunderbird 68 by Chris Malek)

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (8)
997 users


Quick & easy PGP encryption / decryption tool
* Save & use many public encryption keys to encrypt mail content
* Save & use many private decryption keys to decrypt mail content

Using openPGP.js

Open Source

Not yet rated
354 users