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Copy Reminder List To Clipboard
Provides button to copy the list of current reminders to the clipboard.
Requires Restart
Workaround for Bug 351163 (Thunderbird bypasses proxy.pac for first connection).
Corrector de Galego
Corrector ortográfico de galego baseado na Normativa da RAG do 2003.
Conten a versión comunidade.
Galician spellchecking dictionary based on the 2003 RAG Standard.
This extension contains the version comunidade.
Un bloqueur de publicité équitable. Préservez le web gratuit en choisissant sur quels sites vous bloquez la publicité.
Lock The Text
Requires Restart
Encrypt your text data in browser before you submit it to a network
Fast Close Tabs
Requires Restart
Closing the window closes the active tab instead of the window.
Rikaichan Japanese-Dutch Dictionary File
Requires Restart
This is a dictionary file add-on for the Rikaichan extension.
Requires Restart
Show a column with the Gravatar-picture and sender-name in email folders.
Last Dictionary for Mail
This extension will remember the last dictionary used in the Mail Compose window and use it when composing new messages.
Count Filters
Requires Restart
This add-on provides various search filters couting values, such as total number of recipients, or number of lines, words,links in body message.
DSN Settings 2
Requires Restart
Adds user interface settings for Delivery Status Notification (DSN) requests. This addon is useful for settings for Delivery Notification request and better experience with Notification Viewer addon.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.