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BOINC Stats 2
Requires Restart
Displays your Total and Recent Average Credits for BOINC distributed computing projects in the status bar.
Growl New Message Notification
Requires Restart
Displays a notification using Growl when a new message is received...
Finnish Spellchecker
Finnish (fi-FI) spellchecker dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey .
Dialectic Dialer
Requires Restart
Dial phone numbers with Dialectic (Dialectic is for OS X only). In addition, when a page loads, phone numbers can optionally be highlighted and hyperlinked to dial Dialectic.
Zulu spell checker
Your Zulu spell checker allows you to check spelling in Zulu and avoid typing errors.
Now you don't need to see your Zulu text underlined in red and you can be proudly South African.
Russian spellcheck dictionary (yo). Based on AOT.
Russian spellchecker dictionary. Based on works of group. (only yo)
Nepali Dictionary
Nepali SpellChecking dictionary (based on dictionary compiled by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya)
Объединённый словарь русской орфографии
Словарь для проверки орфографии содержащий 450+ тысяч русских и 95+ тысяч английских слов.
Corrector ortografico aragonés
Diccionario ortografico ta programas que faigan servir o corrector Hunspell: LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird
Aragonese spelling dictionary for software using the Hunspell spellchecker: LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird
Litreoir GaelSpell do Mhozilla
Litreoir saor in aisce don Ghaeilge, cruthaithe ag Kevin Scannell...
Xhosa spell checker
Your Xhosa spell checker allows you to check spelling in Xhosa and avoided typing errors in Firefox and Thunderbird.
Now you don't need to see your Xhosa text underlined in red, allowing you to be proudly South African.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.