by decembre
About this Collection
Mes Xpi à utiliser journellement...
10 Add-ons in this Collection
Password Exporter
by Justin Scott (fligtar), Jorge Villalobos
77 users
This add-on allows you to export your saved passwords and disabled login hosts using XML or CSV files that can be imported later.
Note: This add-on won't work in Firefox 57. It may eventually if the APIs to access passwords are implemented.
Session Manager
by Michael Kraft
134 users
Session Manager saves and restores the state of all or some windows - either when you want it or automatically at startup and after crashes. It can also automatically save the state of open windows individually.
by Paolo "Kaosmos"
164 users
It adds some options to launch easily other profiles and the Profile Manager.
Thumbnail Zoom Plus
by David Adler
3 users
Shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail. Works with Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Yandex, YouTube, Wikipedia, Yahoo Images, & many more.
United States English Spellchecker
by jooliaan
4,368 users
This dictionary is no longer maintained. Use this dictionary instead.
DOM Inspector
by SeaMonkey Council
13,945 users
DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application. The DOM can be navigated using a two-paned window displaying a variety of different views on the document and all nodes within.
Addons Manager Hilite
by custom.firefox.lady
1 user
Remembers last selected (hilited) extension/theme/plugin/userstyle in Add-ons Manager. Version 3.0 also includes sorting buttons. Turn off/on the add-on selection list box and/or fine tune behavior via its Options.
by Sailfish
6 users
Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.
by flod
4 users
(Sorry, no plans to port this add-on to Webextensions)
BBCodeXtra is an extension, compatible with Mozilla FireFox (up to 57) and Seamonkey, which adds to the context menu new commands to insert BBCode/Html/XHtml codes in an easy and fast way...
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