Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Testing on youtube:
+MP3 didn't work at all!!!
There is warning pop-up, access denied!
+MP4 didn't work either.
The prior version worked better!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 


One more thing: If you're running Windows Vista or Windows 7, try saving the files to your Desktop. Newer versions of Windows have links to old folders that existed in Windows XP (like the Application Data folder). These Links aren't really folders, and they don't always work like folders, which could be causing your 'Access Denied' message.

Very sorry to hear you're having trouble with the plugin. An access denied message usually means an OS problem, and I haven't been able to reproduce the error... Can you send me the contents of the error console? Go to tools->Error Console and click the red X at the top. It'll show any errors in bold lettering. Right click and choose copy and then paste them into an email to jeremy.firefox.addon@gmail.com. That might be too much to do if there are a lot of errors from other sites/plugins. I will have a proper remote error reporting service in the next release, as well as some features and bug fixes, so if that's too much then keep an eye out for the next release and try it then. Should be about 2 weeks :). Thanks again!