Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Oh. My. Gosh. Where does one even begin with Thundersort? The mastery of this add-on didn't just organize my inbox; it organized my life. My emails now automatically find their way into folders, like obedient little soldiers, freeing me up too. Well, sit and marvel at the pure brilliance of the developer.

I used to wake up in cold sweats, haunted by the thousands of unsorted emails lurking in my inbox. But along came Thundersort, like some sort of superhero email wizard, and saved the day. It didn't just sort my emails; it somehow managed to lower my cholesterol, teach my dog to roll over, and even save my children from choking on their dinner - I don't know how, but I don't ask questions anymore.

Honestly, until Thundersort came along, I didn't even know I had this many folders. I do not know how I lived without it. It is kind of like this developer peered into my soul, recognized the deep need for order in my life, and said, "Hold my coffee; I got this."

In other words, if you want to experience the pure joy of watching your inbox clean itself up like some kind of digital magic trick, do yourself a favor and get Thundersort. I mean, sure, you could manually organize your e-mails like it's 2005, but why suffer when you can have this godsend of a tool? Truly life-changing.