Get Selected Mails Version History

21 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 1.3.0 89.6 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*

* The addon offers a new feature: profiles can be exported and imported. Usefull to migrate profiles between computers.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*
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Version 1.2.0 88.6 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v58.* to v60.*.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the v59/v60 TB barriers.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*
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Version 1.1.3 89.4 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 58.*

* bugfix: For TB >= v57 IP detection crashes. IP detection has been changed to asynchronous method.

* bugfix: When clicking a custom button for a given profile, if 'auto detection when getting mails' was active and the detected profile was different from the profile's button then the profile retrieved was the detected one, not the one specific for the custom button.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 58.*
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Version 1.1.2 89.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 58.*

* Settings dialog has been redesigned and some settings regarding 'default profile' have been moved.

* bugfix: In settings dialog, disabling the main button does not block to choose the default profile anymore.

* bugfix: Settings regarding 'auto detection at intervals' were not handled by the reset feature.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v57.* to v58.*.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the "v58" TB barrier.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 58.*
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Version 1.1.1 88.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0

* The addon offers now to define automatic detection rules based on IP address in order to set automatically the default profile when changing from one location to another.

* Auto-detection of profile can be set to be launched at start, when clicking on getting mails (for default button), and/or at regular intervals.

* Settings are now stored in a more condensed way, enhancing the addon behaviour.

* bugfix: When clicking the '+' button to add a new profile, the checkbox 'select all accounts' was not unticked if it previously was.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0
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Version 1.0.1 79.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0

* Debug messages are now timestamped with local time.

* Some snippets have been optimized.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v56.* to v57.0.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the "v57" TB barrier.

* Due do its long-time stability and the absence of requests for new realistic features or upgrades, the addon versioning has been moved to v1.x.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0
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Version 0.10.3 77.6 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* A new debug option allows to export settings in a file, allowing to send it to support contact.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v52.* to v56.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.10.2 77.1 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* bugfix: If 'debug log to file' mode was enabled and writing to file encountered an error, then the addon enters an infinite loop which makes TB consume all computer ressources.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v40.* to v52.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.10.0 77.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 40.0

* RSS accounts are now handled.

* bugfix: If main GSM button was disabled then re-enabled from options dialog in the same TB session, then initialization of the addon crashed at the next start of TB, thus resulting in unpredictable behaviour.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v32.* to v40.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 40.0
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Version 0.9.16 76.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 35.0

* bugfix: Addon crashed when retrieving mails for TB v3.* (bug introduced in v0.9.14).
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 35.0
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Version 0.9.14 76.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 33.0

* Besides native menubar and toolbar, it's now possible to add custom buttons to any custom toolbar.

* Delay between 2 accounts has been made smarter: it only adds a delay if it needs to, that is when an account is deferred to another account (Tools > Accounts Settings > [any_account] > Server Settings > Message Storage > Advanced > Inbox for different account ...) and thus whose messages are stored in another account's folder.

* A new option allows to send all waiting outgoing messages before getting new ones.

* The addon handles now offline/online state: if TB is offline and some profile is launches then the behaviour is the same as TB native 'Get Mails' function: user is asked for returning online (nb: unsent message are also handled).

* In options dialog, when custom button for a profile is disabled then icon is now greyed-out.

* Some codes snippets have been optimized/improved.

* Some information messages have been added/changed.

* The addon allows now to log debug information directly into a user-defined file.

* In settings dialog, there is now a checkbox to select/unselect all accounts at once for a profile.

* In settings dialog, label of account button 'settings' has been replaced by an icon.

* bugfix: When installing or upgrading the addon on MacOS systems with Gloom not installed, no information popup dialog was displayed and the addon crashed.

* bugfix: For TB >= v24.*, when clicking the 'reset to factory defaults' button, final warning message was not displayed.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v19.* to v33.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 33.0
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Version 0.9.5 68.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 20.0a1

* It's now possible to set a user-defined server port used when messages are retrieved for each account of each profile (Tools > Accounts Settings > [any_account] > Server Settings > Port). It's also possible to make this setting persistent and make it overwrite default setting of account.
Nb: Server port setting is mainly useful for people who host their own mail server at home and which cannot enable NAT-loopback on their local home router (see version history v0.9.2 for more info).

* Buttons 'add' and 'delete' profile in settings dialog have been replaced by an icon.

* When clicking 'delete' button a confirmation dialog is now displayed.

* Profiles list can now be re-organized using buttons 'up' and 'down' which allows to move a profile through profile's list.
NB: Changing profiles order could make disappear profiles' buttons. In this case, just open palette window and place your "lost" icon onto the desired toolbar.

* bugfix: In case native 'Get Mail' button had been removed from any toolbar and main GSM button was not displayed, profiles' buttons did not work (same bug than for v0.9.2).

* bugfix: In certain circumstances, tooltip information displayed for each account in account selection dialog was incorrect (obsolete).

* bugfix: If a new profile was added then settings resetted through dedicated button in the same session (no closure of settings dialog), profile selection menulist and default profile menulist were not reinitialized, thus could make settings dialog crashed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 20.0a1
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Version 0.9.2 65.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 19.0a1

* It's now possible to make setting of 'headers fetching' persistent. When retrieving messages for a given profile, default setting of 'headers fetching' for selected accounts will be overwritten by the one set in the profile. Hence, these settings are also used when messages are retrieved automatically.

* It's now possible to set a user-defined server (IP or name) used when messages are retrieved for each account of each profile (Tools > Accounts Settings > [any_account] > Server Settings > Server Name). It's also possible to make this setting persistent and make it overwrite default setting of account.
Nb: Server settings are mainly useful for people who host their own mail server at home and which cannot enable NAT-loopback on their local home router; when retrieving messages from inside their local network, public IP cannot be used, but only private IP should be used (router does not allow to reach a machine of local network through its public IP: it does not allow to "get out" and to "come back" (aka loopback)). Obviously, this is only useful if your TB client is on a notebook and you often switch between local network and outside ;)).

* It's now possible to set a user-defined delay between messages retrieval of 2 accounts.
Nb: This setting is mainly useful if you have set several distinct accounts to store messages in the same folder (Tools > Accounts Settings > [any_account] > Server Settings > Message Storage > Advanced > Inbox for different account ...). Retrieving messages for such accounts could lead to an error (folder was "locked" by retrieval process of one account, and so retrieval process of the other account was blocked).

* Settings dialog has been redesigned to enhance readability.

* JSON architecture of profile settings has been simplified.

* Settings dialog provides a "cleaning" button to clean profiles settings from former accounts which are not available anymore (accounts which used to exist but have been removed).
Nb: This action should not lead to any sensible enhancement. It's only useful to simplify reading of debugging messages by removing obsolete accounts information.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances when using a delay between retrievals, some selected accounts where discarded.

* bugfix: In case native 'Get Mail' button had been removed from any toolbar and main GSM button was not displayed, profiles' buttons displayed on a toolbar disappeared at each TB restart.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v16.* to v19.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 19.0a1
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Version 0.8.0 61.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1

* Custom buttons handling algorithm has been fully rewritten to enhance stability and features: it's now possible to add custom button to menubar, just like to toolbar.
Warning: When enabled, custom buttons are not directly added in toolbar anymore; they are added to palette, letting the user putting it wherever he wants.

* bugfix: When a profile was deleted whereas related custom button was previously displayed then custom toolbar button was not removed.

* bugfix: When accounts list was too large to be fully displayed no scrollbar was displayed, so some profiles were not reachable; a scrollbar has been added to accounts list (hidden if accounts list is smaller than some limit).
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1
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Version 0.7.1 59.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1

* It's now possible to display a specific custom buttom for each profile. Buttons can be customized with a user-defined title and a user-defined color of GSM icon.

* When opening settings dialog using menu popup of a custom button of a profile then that profile is automatically selected in settings dialog.

* It's now possible to display/hide addon main button through settings dialog. This setting is used while updating addon in order not to force anymore addon main button display when upgrading addon.

* Behaviour, relations and messages of settings dialog have been enhanced to improve accessibility for non-sighted people. Some tabs have also been redesigned for this purpose.

* When upgrading from GetSelectedMails < v0.7.x, default title for custom button is set to localized string "Get '<profile name>'" rather than localized string "Get 'Profil X'".

* Alert dialog when installing or upgrading addon has been replaced by a popup dialog.

* bugfix: When switching selected profile in settings dialog or adding a new profile, disabled/enabled state of custom button settings were not updated.

* bugfix: When upgrading directly from GetSelectedMails < v0.6.x to v0.7.x, profiles accounts selection were not retrieved correctly.

* bugfix: Custom button titles containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v11.* to v16.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1
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Version 0.6.0 24.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 12.*

* It's now possible to define how messages are retrieved for each account of each profile: get entire messages or fetch headers only?
It's also possible to keep default setting defined in account settings (Tools > Accounts Settings > [any_account] > Server Settings > Fetch headers only).
Nb: These settings do not change in any way default settings of accounts.

* Storage of profiles settings has been changed to enhance stability using JSON notation.
Nb: A side effect is that the addon is no longer compatible with TB < v3. Sorry for TB2 users.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances profiles settings changes were not updated until TB was restarted.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v10.* to v11.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 12.*
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Version 0.5.0 21.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 9.*

* It's now possible to define a specific name for each profile.

* When opening settings dialog, default profile is now automatically selected.

* Profile's default name string is now localized.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v7.* to v9.*.
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 9.*
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Version 0.4.0 20.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 7.*

* A menuitem option has been added which allows to retrieve directly new messages for a selected profile without having to set it as default profile.

* bugfix: Profiles with an index above 9 weren't handled by menuitem options (Profile #10 was considered as profile #0, profile #11 as #1, etc.).
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 7.*
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Version 0.3.3 19.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 6.*

* Toolbar button icon is now greyed-out when button is disabled.

* bugfix: When updating addon a second custom toolbar button was added to toolbar even if a previous custom one was already displayed (for TB v2 only).

* Swedish translation has been added (thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs).

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird v5.* to v6.*.
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 6.*
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Version 0.2.1 14.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Icon has been changed in order not to look like new icon of GetAllMails addon (mine was first! ;)).

* bugfix: Local accounts (such as movemail mailboxes on Unix systems) weren't handled (thanks to DoccY).
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre
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Version 0.1.3 13.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Options of dedicated toolbar button ('get new messages for selected accounts' and 'open settings dialog') have been added to native 'Get Mail' button. Thus, dedicated button can be removed from toolbar, leaving more space for other buttons.
Nb: This option can be enabled or disabled from settings dialog.
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre
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