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gfox 1

by ldblack

7 Daily Users

gfox 2

by ldblack

1 Daily User

gfox 3

by ldblack

1 Daily User


by bombomb

4 Daily Users

Sleeping Fox

by recrow

2 Daily Users

See all Foxkeh Themes


I love this gorgeous, well executed drawing. My only reserve is that it makes my bookmarks toolbar appear faded into the background.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by Firefox user 494059 on May 22, 2018

This is a wonderful "respite" theme for my busy laptop! The carefully drawn pencil-crayon foxes are simply SO refreshing in an electronic CG saturated medium! I especially enjoy the middle fox, who's crouching down about to pounce or snap, along with the one on the left, sporting a growl. Perhaps you'd consider drawing us a new one, that contained just those two dynamic foxes, eh?? If so, please move them up a bit (vertically) in the theme window space, so that NOTHING gets cuts off of your terrific artwork critters!?? As I said, ....your plain, unassuming style really stands out nicely against ALL the clutter that abounds on ANY computer screen these days! So, thank you for that small reprieve! Good Job!

Sincerely, -C.R.McL. "The Artistic Theme Connoisseur" ( ha! )

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by C.R.McL. on March 2, 2017

(amazing picture i will be using it for a while) :D

Ps. Do you have an Instagram or something where you post your art? i wanna see it ;C

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by DragonsSin on April 28, 2016

See all 4 reviews of this add-on

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