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Sort by: is MP3 and video search engine, We don't host any files on the server.
Szukaj Paczki Poczta Polska
Narzedzie wyszukiwania paczek Poczty Polskiej. Do wyboru z paska wyszukiwarek
Wikipedia (ukrainian) | Вікіпедія (українська)
This is a search plug-in for Ukrainian-language Wikipedia at
Це пошуковий плаґ-ин для української мови Вікіпедії на
Polish to German
Przetłumacz z polskiego na niemiecki z google translate
Słownik polsko-niemiecki
Translate polish to german with google translate service
Polish-german dictionary
Lexis Multi-function Chinese Character Database
Search Chinese character for its Cantonese pronounciation, meaning and etc.
CERN Document Server (CDS) search
This adds the CERN Document Server ( as a search engine.
Internetová jazyková příručka - výklad
Internetová jazyková příručka - výkladová část
Search latest InterSystems documentation for information on InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, DeepSee and iKnow.
Niedersächsisches Wörterbuch
Wörterbuch der Niedersächsischen Sprache im Dialekt des Münsterländer Platts.
Dictionary for the Low Saxon language (Münsterland Plat).
Show History Popup
When you press the middle mouse button or scroll wheel mouse show popup window the history in the url bar and search bar.
Classic Default
Requires Restart
A port of the Netscape 4.x/Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x "Classic" theme for SeaMonkey 2
Rai Smooth Streaming Player (raismth)
Requires Restart live channels, vod and replay contents w/o *light (Silverlight/Moonlight)
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.