Rated 4 out of 5 stars

I use it since some time and it's a great tool but since last weeks I can see a delay between the Firefox window opening and the menu items compacting. It could be a very little problem if it was not disturbing the other icons of the menu bar. When menu is not compact during half a second, the classic menu is too big in width and pushes my right icons "out of bar" (with a little arrow on the right to access the other icons by a drop-down menu). Finally the menu becomes compact, the space wasted by the classic menu items is now saved but... the icons that was "out of bar" stay invisible even if there's far enough space to display them. I can recover my menu bar just by moving up and down the width of my Firefox window then it's ok since the next application start, but well... it's annoying anyway as I'm installing Compact Menu 2 to my clients browser.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (4.0).