Rated 5 out of 5 stars

One of my favoUrite hates is the behavioUr of the spell checker for us Brits.

This addon is still excellent despite the lack of any apparent updates (although it probably needs a little work regarding the installer to bring it up to date perhaps)

British English Dictionary still works even in FireFox 4 (works for 3.6.x too), but the following incantations are required.

* Install Add-on Compatibility Reporter 0.7 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/15003/
* Use the install link from these pages and choose "install anyway" when prompted that it is not compatible.
* Restart FF and go to Add-on Manager and enable the dictionary if not already and restart again if required.

There does not appear to be an option to set the spell checker language in FF 4 from the options menu, but it can be done from the context menu while in a form.

* Type behaviour, colour or any other British spelling or miss-spelling in a text field on a web page
* Right click the red squiggly underlined miss-spelling
* Choose languages and set "English/United Kingdom"

I have been successful using the above steps for Windows XP/Vista/7. If this also works for you, then please use the add-on compatibility tool to mark it as "This add-on still works" so perhaps it will get white-listed by the devs.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.19).