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Search Results for tag "theme"
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Metal Lion Silver Sea Monkey
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Metal Lion meets SeaMonkey and makes it shine....
Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.
Stylish Tools
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Quicker access to several Stylish features through a toolbar button and/or keyboard shortcuts. Available for Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey
Classic Firǝfox theme for SeaMonkey
Requires Restart
Classic legacy Firǝfox based theme for SeaMonkey 2.x
Quick access to add-on functions from a toolbar panel: Options, (De)Activate, Details, Home page, Review page, Donation page, Uninstall, Restart application.
Walnut for SeaMonkey
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Walnut for Seamonkey, based on icons from, and sporting a wooden look. Including full support for Lightning.
Orbit 3+1
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Orbit theme with three button sizes. Go to for configuration details.
LittleMonkey for SeaMonkey
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Clean, simple, consequent and fast theme for SeaMonkey.
Classic Default
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A port of the Netscape 4.x/Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x "Classic" theme for SeaMonkey 2
Nautipolis for SeaMonkey
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Nautipolis for SeaMonkey, based on icons from Includes support for help, inspector, downloadstatusbar, downloadmgr, calendar, quicknote, offline and toolbarext. Tested with googlebar. Also includes 'cutemenu' icons
Blue Essence Seamonkey Theme
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Dark navigator theme based on a default Classical theme and now works on Linux :)
Google Redesigned 2
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Ported version from Firefox to be compatible with Seamonkey 2.
A complete redesign of popular Google services, Google Redesigned changes the appearance of popular Google services.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.