MALA Hindi Spell Checker by MCRPV, (Anurag Seetha) 1.0.1-signed.1-signed Requires Restart
by Anurag Seetha
MALA (Makhanlal) Hindi Shabd Shodhak to check Spelling of Hindi Unicode Text by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, Bhopal, India. Chief Developer - Dr. Anurag Seetha. The program is Released Under the GNU GPL V 3
About this Add-on
Special Thanks to Shri Arvind Kumar & Dr. Vineet Chaitnya to provide around 40000 Hindi words for the dictionary.
Web Page - http://mcu.ac.in/Hindi_Spell_Checker
The program is Released Under the GNU GPL V 3