Rated 4 out of 5 stars

I tried in my own browser and it still looks the same. A hard edge on the left at the end of the image. I think Photoshop has the Masking tool as well. It's just that your personas are normally 100% quality, but this one doesn't quite measure up, but it's still nice. Maybe I'm just too picky. Have a great day! :)

Well, all I can say is that is has been edited to smooth out the edge. I don't like or usually make a design tht has that hard edge on the left because personally I don't care for them. You should also know that it takes awhile for the editing to take effect.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

This is cute but the edge where the actual image is on the left is bluntly cut off. You didn't blend it. I would have used the "Mask" effect in Paint Shop Pro to fade it out or whatever other graphics program you use.

I don't use Paint Shop Pro.. It has been edited, but it doesn't show up on the preview. Thanks you.