Rated 4 out of 5 stars

This is an English translation (from Google) of the review by Leandro Battista below:

"To install this plugin (or any other outdated plugin) in Firefox 32 or later follow these steps:

1 - Install The Addon Bar (Restored) https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/the-addon-bar/ (Activa old bar accessories located on the bottom of Firefox)

2 - Install Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/checkcompatibility/ (Allow install plugins outdated).

3 - Install Forecastfox Weather.

Usually, enjoy!"

I'd already used the Classic Theme Restorer to bring back the add-on bar so I didn't need to do Step1 and therefore can't say if it works. But Step 2 worked - ForecastFox is back! So I'm passing it along. I do think this disables the update-checking feature so please keep that in mind for your other add-ons. But hopefully it will work until ForecastFox can be updated to be compatible again.

I would like to say, about ForecastFox - the only issue I've had with it is the radar map's not always updating; if I'm online for several hours it may show old pictures. Apparently this issue has been going on for a while so I came up with a workaround - I bookmarked the radar URL and put that in the bookmarks toolbar. It's not a big deal now.