Nagios Checker Version History

36 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 0.16.1-signed.1-signed 173.1 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 56.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*

* INTERNAL: update FF maxVersion to 4.0.*
* LANG: updated zh-TW from babelzilla
* FIX: changed working in FF4 addon toolbar instead in statusbar
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
View other versions

Version 0.15.4 165.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*

* INTERNAL: updated TB maxVersion to 3.1.*
* LANG: updated pt-BR, ru-RU, tr-TR from babelzilla
* INTERNAL: removed xpcnativewrappers=no due to security warning on AMO site, testing if it will work without it
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
View other versions

Version 0.15.3 165.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*

* BUGFIX: errors when using Nagios Checker with Settings dialog opened
* BUGFIX: removed useless global css style for label

* INTERNAL: added namespace to global variables
* INTERNAL: Updated About window

* LANG: updated it-IT, nl-NL and repaired previous ones
* LANG: updated bg-BG, nl-NL, es-ES from BabelZilla
* NEW: Option to choose between localized and English status names
* NEW: Another options for Clicking on Statusbar Does (Go to Service Problems and Go to Host Problems)
* NEW: Show number of Errors downloading data on all servers in status bar
* NEW: Option to choose location of external configuration file. Disabled by default.
* BUGFIX: Greyed-out context menu items in server list on some OSes
* INTERNAL: update TB maxVersion to 3.0.*, FF maxVersion to 3.6.*
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.14.4 159.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.5.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

* BUGFIX: escaping service name with backslash
* INTERNAL: update maxVersion to 3.5.*

* BUGFIX: Settings dialog was not correctly displayed on some Linuxes, cancelled maxheight
* BUGFIX: Filtering services on host with scheduled downtime didn't work
* BUGFIX: Removed useless separators in popup window headers (causing huge headers in FF3.5)
* LANG: updated translations from BabelZilla

* BUGFIX: Fixed construction status.cgi with hardcoded params after 0.14.1 bugfix.

* BUGFIX: Bad status.cgi parameters for Host problems page

- beta versions 0.13.9- released to public:
* NEW: Allowed servicegroup in status.cgi
* NEW: Regexp filtering of Information column
* BUGFIX: Freezed sometimes while showing Unknown alerts (*.properties translation bug)
* INTERNAL: rewritten tool for constructing status url with parameters
* NEW: redesigned options dialog to be smaller for using on smaller displays (netbooks etc.)
* NEW: removed buttons for edit, enable/disable and remove server in Settings dialog and context menu used instead.
* NEW: double click on server enable/disable it
* NEW: About dialog moved into Settings dialog
* BUGFIX: correct handling status url with parameters
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Thunderbird 3.0 beta
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Firefox 3.5 beta, minVersion 3.0
* BUGFIX: Fixed window.title bug (thanks to pplusdomain)
* BUGFIX: Little improved strange "jumping" of information in statusbar in FF 3.1
* BUGFIX: Fixed not playing sound when new hostdown/unreachable appears although option was set.
* NEW: Allowed using seconds in update interval
* FIX: filtering scheduled downtime (by moorereason)
* LANG: added zh-CN (by farmer.luo) + updated others
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 0.14.3 159.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.5b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

* BUGFIX: Settings dialog was not correctly displayed on some Linuxes, cancelled maxheight
* BUGFIX: Filtering services on host with scheduled downtime didn't work
* BUGFIX: Removed useless separators in popup window headers (causing huge headers in FF3.5)
* LANG: updated translations from BabelZilla

* BUGFIX: Fixed construction status.cgi with hardcoded params after 0.14.1 bugfix.

* BUGFIX: Bad status.cgi parameters for Host problems page

- beta versions 0.13.9- released to public:
* NEW: Allowed servicegroup in status.cgi
* NEW: Regexp filtering of Information column
* BUGFIX: Freezed sometimes while showing Unknown alerts (*.properties translation bug)
* INTERNAL: rewritten tool for constructing status url with parameters
* NEW: redesigned options dialog to be smaller for using on smaller displays (netbooks etc.)
* NEW: removed buttons for edit, enable/disable and remove server in Settings dialog and context menu used instead.
* NEW: double click on server enable/disable it
* NEW: About dialog moved into Settings dialog
* BUGFIX: correct handling status url with parameters
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Thunderbird 3.0 beta
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Firefox 3.5 beta, minVersion 3.0
* BUGFIX: Fixed window.title bug (thanks to pplusdomain)
* BUGFIX: Little improved strange "jumping" of information in statusbar in FF 3.1
* BUGFIX: Fixed not playing sound when new hostdown/unreachable appears although option was set.
* NEW: Allowed using seconds in update interval
* FIX: filtering scheduled downtime (by moorereason)
* LANG: added zh-CN (by farmer.luo) + updated others
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 0.14.2 160.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.5b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

* BUGFIX: Fixed construction status.cgi with hardcoded params after 0.14.1 bugfix.

* BUGFIX: Bad status.cgi parameters for Host problems page

- beta versions 0.13.9- released to public:
* NEW: Allowed servicegroup in status.cgi
* NEW: Regexp filtering of Information column
* BUGFIX: Freezed sometimes while showing Unknown alerts (*.properties translation bug)
* INTERNAL: rewritten tool for constructing status url with parameters
* NEW: redesigned options dialog to be smaller for using on smaller displays (netbooks etc.)
* NEW: removed buttons for edit, enable/disable and remove server in Settings dialog and context menu used instead.
* NEW: double click on server enable/disable it
* NEW: About dialog moved into Settings dialog
* BUGFIX: correct handling status url with parameters
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Thunderbird 3.0 beta
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Firefox 3.5 beta, minVersion 3.0
* BUGFIX: Fixed window.title bug (thanks to pplusdomain)
* BUGFIX: Little improved strange "jumping" of information in statusbar in FF 3.1
* BUGFIX: Fixed not playing sound when new hostdown/unreachable appears although option was set.
* NEW: Allowed using seconds in update interval
* FIX: filtering scheduled downtime (by moorereason)
* LANG: added zh-CN (by farmer.luo) + updated others
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 0.14.1 160.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.5b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

* BUGFIX: Bad status.cgi parameters for Host problems page

- beta versions 0.13.9- released to public:
* NEW: Allowed servicegroup in status.cgi
* NEW: Regexp filtering of Information column
* BUGFIX: Freezed sometimes while showing Unknown alerts (*.properties translation bug)
* INTERNAL: rewritten tool for constructing status url with parameters
* NEW: redesigned options dialog to be smaller for using on smaller displays (netbooks etc.)
* NEW: removed buttons for edit, enable/disable and remove server in Settings dialog and context menu used instead.
* NEW: double click on server enable/disable it
* NEW: About dialog moved into Settings dialog
* BUGFIX: correct handling status url with parameters
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Thunderbird 3.0 beta
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Firefox 3.5 beta, minVersion 3.0
* BUGFIX: Fixed window.title bug (thanks to pplusdomain)
* BUGFIX: Little improved strange "jumping" of information in statusbar in FF 3.1
* BUGFIX: Fixed not playing sound when new hostdown/unreachable appears although option was set.
* NEW: Allowed using seconds in update interval
* FIX: filtering scheduled downtime (by moorereason)
* LANG: added zh-CN (by farmer.luo) + updated others
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 0.14 159.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.5b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

- beta versions 0.13.9- released to public:
* NEW: Allowed servicegroup in status.cgi
* NEW: Regexp filtering of Information column
* BUGFIX: Freezed sometimes while showing Unknown alerts (*.properties translation bug)
* INTERNAL: rewritten tool for constructing status url with parameters
* NEW: redesigned options dialog to be smaller for using on smaller displays (netbooks etc.)
* NEW: removed buttons for edit, enable/disable and remove server in Settings dialog and context menu used instead.
* NEW: double click on server enable/disable it
* NEW: About dialog moved into Settings dialog
* BUGFIX: correct handling status url with parameters
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Thunderbird 3.0 beta
* INTERNAL: install.rdf updated for Firefox 3.5 beta, minVersion 3.0
* BUGFIX: Fixed window.title bug (thanks to pplusdomain)
* BUGFIX: Little improved strange "jumping" of information in statusbar in FF 3.1
* BUGFIX: Fixed not playing sound when new hostdown/unreachable appears although option was set.
* NEW: Allowed using seconds in update interval
* FIX: filtering scheduled downtime (by moorereason)
* LANG: added zh-CN (by farmer.luo) + updated others
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 0.13 153.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* Opsview authentization support (by Jose Luis Martinez)
* Updated langs
* Fixed playing custom wav files
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.12.2 152.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* INTERNAL: Updated appVersion for compatibility with RC and final versions of FF3
* LANG: Updated tr-TR
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 152.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0pre, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
- reuploaded 0.12.1

* LANG: Removed bad uncomplete pl-PL locale
* LANG: Updated nb-NO locale
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.12 152.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0pre, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: rounded statusbar box corners removed due to fix displaying these boxes on various OSes
* BUGFIX: Fixed displaying of hosts scheduled down (by Cameron Moore)
* INTERNAL: Updated About window (donators).
* BUGFIX: Fixed resolving disabled notification state (by Cameron Moore)
* NEW: Working days
* INTERNAL: setNextCheck now used on start (sleepy icon is working from start)
* NEW: Saving XML config, optionally prefer loading of this file
* BUGFIX: Not working option to play sound only when NEW problems are found
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.11.1 136.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.0b4pre, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* NEW: Can finally be run in Firefox 3.0
* BUGFIX: Sometimes opened wrong type of information window
* LANG: Re-added tr-TR
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.11 135.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* NEW: Filter option 'Host and services whose notifications is disabled' now accepts globally disabled notifications too
* NEW: Option to set status.cgi download timeout by user
* NEW: Option to show or not Attempt and Status columns in the information window
* NEW: Option to specify the lowest level to play sound with (only for service alerts)
* NEW: New type of statusbar info (Colors only)
* BUGFIX: Do not show empty popup when no alert available
* BUGFIX: Fixed some bugs in Run only in first opened window
* INTERNAL: New version of popup - something between tooltip and popup
* INTERNAL: Popup scrollbars are used instead of arrows, but scrollbars have to be still visible
* BUGFIX: If there is no server active, then label Not Set is shown instead of No Problem
* BUGFIX: No more colored Error message
* BUGFIX: Regular expressions on services used to remove the whole host - fixed
* INTERNAL: Limit of number of servers increased to 200
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.10.4 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: removed annoying alert when there was sometimes problem with playing sound
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.10.3 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: sounds are playing again
* BUGFIX: popup of different type sometimes opened at same time
* LANG: updated fr-FR locale
* LANG: updated bg-BG locale

0.10.2 (not approved on Mozilla Add-ons)
* INTERNAL: bugfix of "0.10.1 bugfix" Sorry!
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.10.1 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* INTERNAL: merged omitted bugfixes from versions 0.9.1-0.9.5
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.10 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* NEW: ability to change ordering of servers
* NEW: time of last download of alerts for each server (shown in tooltip)
* NEW: ability to choose inverse filtering of regular expressions
* NEW: added filtering of flapping hosts and services
* NEW: support for Flock 0.9+
* NEW: added option to show hosts and services flags in tooltip
* BUGFIX: now handles correctly Nagioses having its source code from unknown reasons without newline chracters
* INTERNAL: First time succesfully tested on 3rd version of Nagios (3.0a5)
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9.5 119.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: Stop/Run issues when triggered from window other than first
* BUGFIX: Fixed filtering of services by regular expression
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9.4 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

BUGFIX: Fixed empty tooltip/popup in windows other than first
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9.3 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

BUGFIX: Fixed filtering of hosts and services in scheduled downtime
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9.2 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: Correct locating of url for pages without a slash on the end of the url
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9.1 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: Correct input box for server URL in New Server dialog in some translations
* BUGFIX: Service names are now escaped for correct URL of service info page
* LANG: Updated fr-FR and bg-BG translations
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.9 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

* BUGFIX: opening links from popup
* NEW: option to disable/enable server
* NEW: regexp on host or service
* NEW: option to specify working hours (by M.Sviba)
* NEW: special icons for Not Allowed and Stopped status
* BUGFIX: opening links from Thunderbird (by I.Musil)
* INTERNAL: new uri parsing (based on parseUri() function)
* BUGFIX: icon tooltips were not removed correctly
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.8.1 84.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5b1 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5b - 1.5.0.*

* BUGFIX: removed empty tooltips
* NEW: added Donations link

* NEW: option to set custom WAVs
* NEW: option to open the clickable tooltip
* NEW: option to download host aliases
* NEW: indicator (exclamation mark) of new problem in tooltip
* NEW: option to show total numbers in statusbar splited by server
* BUGFIX: removed stylesheets that impact other extensions
* INTERNAL: added timeout for problems download (30 sec)
* INTERNAL: faster load of the Settings dialog
* NEW: new colors and rounded corners :-)
* NEW: [Show in info window] option remade as Filter out
* NEW: option to blink only the types affected
* INTERNAL: max-height tooltip
Works with Thunderbird 1.5b - 1.5.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.7.4 73.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

1) LANG: Updated zh-TW and tr-TR

1) LANG: Updated nl-NL and bg-BG

1) BUGFIX: Bug when upgrading from 0.6.x
2) LANG: Updated fr-FR, it-IT, pt-BR and ru-RU
3) LANG: Added es-ES

1) NEW: Sound could be played also by problem type.
2) NEW: After click on statusbar only affected Nagioses are opened.
3) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Hosts and services in downtime"
4) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Services on down or unreachable hosts"
5) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Services on acknowledged hosts"
6) BUGFIX: Filtering out now works correctly on pre2.0 Nagios versions
7) BUGFIX: Filtering out disabled checks now filters only active checks only if only active checks disabled.
8) BUGFIX: Now handles correctly Nagioses with port in address, like
9) INTERNAL: new update system: information is downloaded only in one window, all windows are updated in one time
10) NEW: Option to not store the Nagios ceredentials to the browser's Password Manager
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.7 55.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

1) NEW: Sound could be played also by problem type.
2) NEW: After click on statusbar only affected Nagioses are opened.
3) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Hosts and services in downtime"
4) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Services on down or unreachable hosts"
5) NEW: Added new Filter out option: "Services on acknowledged hosts"
6) BUGFIX: Filtering out now works correctly on pre2.0 Nagios versions
7) BUGFIX: Filtering out disabled checks now filters only active checks only if only active checks disabled.
8) BUGFIX: Now handles correctly Nagioses with port in address, like
9) INTERNAL: new update system: information is downloaded only in one window, all windows are updated in one time
10) NEW: Option to not store the Nagios ceredentials to the browser's Password Manager
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.6.1 69.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

1) BUGFIX: Bad sorting by Duration in tooltip
2) BUGFIX: Bad opening of links. Now in tabs and not duplicated.
3) NEW: Option to open Nagios after click on statusbar
4) NEW: Option to filter SOFT states out
5) BUGFIX: Filtering disabled checks out now filters services too
6) NEW: Sound is played only in first opened window.
7) LANG: en-US improvement after consultation with native speaker

Updated ru-RU translation
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*
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Version 0.5.2 65.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

Added tr-TR translation.
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*
View other versions

Version 0.5.1 63.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

Added ru-RU translation
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*
View other versions