Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Error with TB3:
message: this.getMainWindow().GetLoadedMsgFolder is not a function
file: chrome://threadvis/content/ThreadVis.js
line: 263

ThreadVisNS.ThreadVis.prototype.checkEnabledAccountOrFolder = function(folder) {
if (! folder) {
folder = this.getMainWindow().GetLoadedMsgFolder(); //This is line 263
if (! folder) {
return false;

// get from cache
if (this.cacheKeyCheckEnabledAccountOrFolder == folder) {
return this.cacheValueCheckEnabledAccountOrFolder;

Who can fix this problem - do it please, very useful addon!!
P.s. ThreadVis is free software released under the GNU AGPLv3 license.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.1.595).  This user has other reviews of this add-on.