Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Hi Kliu, I'm using your fantastic add-on and I found a little problem using it with Firefox 3.6.

When I use drag and drop to perfom a text search on google, new tab with search results opens at the end of tabs bar instead of to the right of the tab I searched from.
If I perform the same operation using right mouse click and selecting "search with Google" from contextual menu new tab opens correctly near the current one.

As a side note, if use drag and drop with images and clickable links it works fine.

Can you fix it please?

Thanks a lot

Another little suggestion:
sometimes I activate drag and drop by mistake (for example if I'm highlighting some text while reading) and I'd like to have a quick mode to cancel it and avoid to open and then close the tab with search results.
I'm using a plugin for IE similar to QuickDrag and it allows to cancel drag&drop if I press right mouse button BEFORE release left one.
Is it possible to have the same in your add-on?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (