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o-o-0-o-o search 20171101
by o-o-0-o-o
o-o-0-o-o makes google search better, open popular sites by 1-2 letters, gives you a lot of search shortcuts and show 30 google results. Addition o-o-0-o-o wingOwing.
About this Add-on
When Add to FireFox do not forget to set checkbox "Make it default". This is important! If forget, select about:preferences#search and copy to url address bar.
Just type f or fb or even fa to open Facebook, y - Youtube, yy - Yahoo, p - Pirate Bay current top downloads, m - Maps and so on. It working for more than 300 useful and popular sites. There is no need to type the full names no more. Just type 2, maximum 3 letters and that's it. What useful you can find by 1 or 2 letters on Google search? It is better to use them to popular sites fast open.
If the shortcut mistakenly triggered, and you want to search last query in Google, you don't need to retype your query, just type g in URL bar.
Gmail query in my search opens directly the list of mails, but not advertizing with the need still to clicks to reach inbox like in original Google. If too lazy to type gmail, can simply type gm. Or type ho to open Hotmail/Outlook inbox.
This add-on also tells Google to show 30 results by default.
As bonus there are a lot of search shortcuts for different search engines, torrent trackers, shops, booking sites and many other useful services:
... without any shortcuts - search on Google with integrated intelligent Lucky mode (y - opening YouTube, f - Facebook ...)
... g - forced search only on Google (if you want to know what Google will find on just one letter Y in query)
... l - forced Google's I'm Feeling Lucky mode, what original Google makes hidden. Feel Lucky again!
... img - images Google search
... g100 - 100 Google search results
... y - YouTube
... f - Facebook
... p - Pirate Bay
... b - Bing search
... m - Maps
... w - Wikipedia
... k - booKing
... t - search on Twitter
... twi - post to Twitter
... ali - AliExpress sort by orders number
... amazon - Amazon
... ebay - Ebay
... cl - search on Craigslist by Google
... ff - search Firefox Add-ons
... q - make Qr-code
... h - Help: show shortcuts list
... z - search in last used search service
Only if you like longreads, read full text:
o-o-0-o-o what makes google search non-greedy and lucky, saves your time on viewing ads and gives you a lot of search shortcuts for different search engines, torrents, shops, maps, travel, booking and many other useful services.
When Add to FireFox do not forget to set checkbox "Make it default". This is important! If forget, select about:preferences#search and copy to url address bar. Beat with a shovel the weak google spots! Best used in conjunction with search shell site with Lucky button but and individually they are both very helpful also.
In Chrome browser green button above isn't working. Of course, Google made the procedure for changing the default search more difficult. But not impossible!
Open Google Chrome
Open Settings - select about:settings and drag or copy to url address bar
In the "Search" section, enter Manage Search Engines...
Add 3 fields of new search engine Vi vi
Make it default in upper box. This is important!
Enjoy like FireFox users!
The Google (known as Google colloquially) is an extremely popular marketing agency. If you've ever wanted a search engine where you can search for misinformation, then Google is it. Many people think that to win Google and its greed is impossible. Amazon, Microsoft,, and even Jimbo Wales spending a millions of dollars to do this without any success. I will try also. Without spending millions of dollars, of course. I have, but will not spend for that :) Most "competitors" to Google fail to realize that Google would never be overthrown this way. It doesn't matter whether the new product actually gives better search results. In many cases search results aren't need - this is the main secret of Google. Greedy Google of course knows it but still shows to show ads. In lots of queries Google used to open Facebook. In half of the remaining queries opened Amazon, Youtube, AliExpress, Wikipedia and other known sites. When Google receives a request Facebook or even gmail, it isn't redirect you to the Facebook and gmail. Smart Google understands what you want but Greedy Google shows advertising under the guise of the search page instead and everytime takes your time away and forces you to perform unnecessary actions and clicks just to show you more advertisements. Browser autocomplete try to solve this problem, sometimes works perfect, but sometimes also requires user's unnecessary actions and help from my search plugin. For example try to open inbox in gmail using only browser autocomplete. Why you think Google don't allow I'm Feeling Lucky button functionality on original search plugin. They even on the homepage have made it decorative because when you begin to type the query it disappears. Very funny! Because Feeling No Lucky users gives more money. I returned it back and made Google non-greedy, and you are feeling lucky again. And yes, gmail query in my search opens directly the list of mails, but not advertizing with the need still to clicks to reach inbox like in original Google. Wow! Miracle! Google in shock: Is this even technically possible? If too lazy to type gmail, can simply type gm. Or type ho to open Hotmail/Outlook inbox.
Google Greed also tells it to show only 10 results by default, 8 of which (and often all 10) Google's own services advertising and the paid sites (not marked as adv). After all, the fewer alternatives, the more people will choose what they slipped. Why do you think Google under the pretext of introducing useless 'live search' cut the number of search results to 10 to everybody, ignoring personal settings (my previous settings was 30 results)? Why Google shows only 10 results even pressed Enter? Why Google shows only 10 results on next pages of results forcing you to waste time clicking next pages numbers again and again? This add-on tells Google to show 30 results by default. The funny thing is that this very simple improvement implemented in my plugin, and their was really a lots, greatly increases the usability of the search. Just naive to think that the first 10 results of advertising only the first 2 or 3. As I said above already, often in the first 10 results, not advertising there are only 2, on hot commercial queries sometimes even 0, but in 10-30 in my experience (I use my search add-on from 2012, and a setting of 30 results I have a very long time) the percentage of relevant results significantly increased. I assume this is due to the unwillingness of Google loosening from its search thinking and discerning users. Those who are highly dissatisfied with the results on the first page, clicked next and get what they need without a lot of ads so without going to competitors. So the increase in the number of results from 10 to 30 will increase the number of relevant results much more often than 3 times. Just percent of smart users who load 30 results at once, it is very small, and don't cost to complicate the high-loaded system. It is like in supermarkets of the computer equipment among all range of laptops often is a model at which the price/quality ratio strongly exceeds other models. This laptop is not always the cheapest and not the most expensive, and it is situated not on the most prominent place to reduce the possibility of buying it by common visitors, because the profit from it is much smaller than the others, but he has to advanced users have not gone to a competitor and brought at least some profit. As you can guess, this good but unprofitable option will be on the 2nd or 3rd page, not to create competition for ads at the first. In addition to this effect the human with large height effect is observed in the food supermarket, where the most profitable for supermarket goods, and therefore with the largest share of the supermarket in price that often is not beneficial to the visitor, is located the most convenient for a person of average height. So human with large height can conveniently see more beneficial goods with smaller share of the supermarket in price. Be two heads above on the Internet gives a favorable view, and no flaws: 'live search' when typing a search query in the browser's address bar still not working. But when you want to adjust the query directly on the Google search page, and 'live search' will reduce the number of results to 10, you will understand how it is inconvenient to be like majority and how perfect is this plugin. It was very easy to improve, but search quality getting so better so surprised.
Recently Google search has become too smart. He clearly believes himself to be smarter than the user and instead of search making obsessive sales — looking for not what you ask, but something "relevant" (relevant to sale to you). A search query now is just a reason to enter to this high-tech retail store and a additional hint on which side start to sell something to you.
So what to do? Add this search plugin by green button above and make it default in settings. Enjoy! Just type f or fb or even fa to open Facebook, y - Youtube, yy - Yahoo, p - Pirate Bay current top downloads, m - Maps and so on. Just try! It working for more than 300 useful and popular sites. There is no need to type the full names no more. Just type 2, maximum 3 letters and that's it. What useful you can find by 1 or 2 letters on Google search? It is better to use them to popular sites fast open. It working for more than 2 letters, so type tech or crun to open TechCrunch. If input is not found inside popular sites names and addresses, will redirect to standard Google search, so no inconvenience at all. Add [space]g to query to force a search in Google, but I don't know why you might need. If the shortcut mistakenly triggered, and you want to search last query in Google, you don't need to retype your query, just type g or fuck in URL bar. If you need to specify your own sites to shortcuts, to open it by 1-2 letters, just use search shell site.
For persons like me who like panoramic backgrounds that don't have any practical use and prefer to use mouse instead of keyboard I had developed visual representation of this plugin. If you like screenshots above and every time a new picture to set the mood, you can make it your homepage simply by dragging link to home icon in browser address panel.
As bonus there are a lot of search shortcuts for different search engines, torrent trackers, shops, booking sites and many other useful services:
... without any shortcuts - search on Google with integrated intelligent Lucky mode (y - opening YouTube, f - Facebook ...)
... g - forced search only on Google (if you want to know what Google will find on just one letter Y in query)
... l - forced Google's I'm Feeling Lucky mode, what original Google makes hidden. Feel Lucky again!
... img - images Google search
... g100 - 100 Google search results
... y - YouTube
... f - Facebook
... p - Pirate Bay
... b - Bing search
... m - Maps
... w - Wikipedia
... k - booKing
... n - Notepad
... e - Edit lists or text
... t - search on Twitter
... twi - post to Twitter
... ali - AliExpress sort by orders number
... c - AliExpress sort by price: cheap first
... r - AliExpress sort by price: rich first
... amazon - Amazon
... ebay - Ebay
... cl - search on Craigslist by Google
... vi - search on - visual representation of this plugin and screenshots source
... ff - search Firefox Add-ons
... q - make Qr-code
... h - Help: show shortcuts list
... z - search in last used search service
... and much much more ...
Can use all shortcuts at the begin (but first checked shortcut at the end).
More Search Shortcuts:
addons advisor aero aeroport aeroports ag agoda airbnb al ale alex alexa ali alibaba aliexpress amazon askcom baba baidu bao bay bb bd bestbuy bi bin bingmap bingmaps bizrate blekko bm bmap bmaps bnb bo boo booking bu buy calc cg che cheap citi cl co code codeg codepen count craig craiglist craigs craigslist dailyimages day dd decode di doc dow down downl downlo downloa download drama dramatica duck duckduck duckduckgo ebay ed edi edit encode exact exp expensive face facebook fb ff film films firefox firm firms fiverr fx g0 g1 g10 g100 g30 g50 gc gcmap gcode gg git github gm gmap gmaps goo goog googl google10 google100 google30 google50 googlees googleespana googlefr googlefrance googlejapan googlejp googlemap googlemaps googlereddit googleru googlerus googlerussia googleus googleusa gr grabber greddit gs gso gstack gt gy hh ho hoo hotel hotels hour hub icalc iedit ik ikea image images imdb img iskalko ixquick karta kickass lc lcode len length list lonelyplanet low lp lu luck lucky luckycode ma mailru makepolo map mapb mapbing mapg mapgoogle maps mapsb mapsbing mapsg mapsgoogle mapsy mapsyahoo mapy mapyahoo math mb mg mininova month motion mtran nextag note notebook og orbitz order orders overflow oy parse pdf pi pir pira pirat pirate piratebay pol price pricey pro pronto qr qr-code qrcode rarbg rcomments reddit redditc redditcomments redditg redditgoogle rg rr rut rutracker sat satellite searchimage searchimages sg shop shopping si similarweb sog soku stack stackoverflow startpage sw sweb tao taobao te thepiratebay ti time tin tineye tl tmall tor torent torents torrent torrents torrentz tr translate trip tripadvisor tt twi twitter txt vid vide video vimeo vitaly vk walmart week weeklyimages wei wh whois wi wiki wikipedia wikitravel winehq wit wolfram words wt xls xx ya yah yaho yahoomap yahoomaps yamarket year yelp ym ymap ymaps yo yout youtu youtub youtube yy
No need to remember them all, just remember few the most used and one more - ... h to see this list and choose needed.
If not find shortcuts, keywords or popular sites names, will redirect to Google search.
If the shortcut mistakenly triggered, and you want to search in Google, you don't need to retype your query, just type g or last or fuck in URL bar (working only 15 minutes from the last query because I had limited cookie for privacy). This command is also convenient to just repeat your last search query, for example to edit it or to look for more answers, so it also works with the commands repeat, re or g.
By the way, Google deliberately degrades the search quality on many queries removing million of relevant pages everyday, wasting your life time to get you to buy from certain peoples. Adding [space]download (or just d) to your query with this plugin will make the results much better.
Another area where Google search turns into senselessly waste of time, is shopping. All the time have to go directly to Amazon, AliExpress and Ebay to find something useful. Shortcuts amazon, ali and ebay will help you. Specially designed by me (shortcut shop) will make you life easier if you like to check prices at few of them at once. A plus is if you buy directly bypassing Google that after buying you next month will not pursue the context ads of product that you already bought. This is if you are not using Chrome of course.
A funny moment with programming. Many programmers prefer to search on StackOverflow by Google (shortcut stag) instead of the original search of StackOverflow (shortcut sta), but clear google search loses here. Clear google search likes to slip in the results the paid sites (not marked as adv) and half-hour chug into the microphone on YouTube even with purely technical matters for which answer enough one line. In any case it is easier to type cg, than everytime to spend additional 2 seconds to type site:, not to mention to visit stackoverflow main page, where to allocate the search field and already there to type.
Website owners like me and Internet marketers needs many online tools: Alexa (shortcut ale), SimilarWeb sw, Fiverr rr, search on Twitter t, post to Twitter twi, whois wh, Reddit dd, Text & Keywords Lists Edit e, TinEye ti, Google search by image img, Google Trends gt. I am very enjoyed to use them with my plugin and save time. I know you will enjoy too. Quickly open useful services exactly on the right places will also help shorturls: an - open Analytics not on main page, but on sites list already, me - open Yandex Metrika on sites list also, myip - shows your ip address, mybrowser - shows your browser user agent, mylang - your browser accept language header...
A huge area where Google again loses to the specialized sites - travel. The area where eternal companion of Google search results Wikipedia (shortcut w) loses to WikiTravel (shortcut wt), and the reviews significantly more talk about the hotel than pagerank of its site. I like to travel. Only on the islands of Thailand I spent more than a year. Therefore, there is a great choice of maps and travel services (try shortcuts: map satellite gm bm ym aero booking hotels gcmap ik tripadvisor agoda orbitz wt bnb lp tl), some of which are written by me though.
Yet, surprisingly, my shell is able better than Google to allocate of certain sensitive data, such as geographic coordinates or pieces of programming code, aiming directly at the maps and StackOverflow. Google in this cases will find nothing. Example of text selection from Wikipedia Google vs my shell (0:1) and Google maps vs my maps (shortcut m) (0:2)! Yes!
My shell allows even run some programs: skype, calendar, runtorrent, runmail, and also with a file save dialog, where you need select a program to open: word, excel, note, music. Not ask me why :) But Google can not this also.
Gmail query in my search opens directly the list of mails. Google can not this also.
So, my search shell is better than Google because faster opens the desired sites (eg Facebook and gmail), not forced to commit extra unnecessary actions (to get away from the page with ads disguised as search page when search page is not needed), gives a choice of different search engines, torrent trackers, shops, booking sites and many other useful services, provides the better search results in the download, shopping, programming, internet business and travel areas. In all other cases shows the same Google 10 results + 20 additional free :) Enjoy!
Don't trust comments! Everything works perfectly and safely! Google hates me so much so Google Inc. blatant lie in the official complaint! Proof!