Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Woow, it is a very-very good plugin. I'd like to notice only one problem: I use my thunderbird through alltray and I use a lot of folder in my IMAP account with a lot of filters which are stored in a central mail server (so the server puts my mails into the folders and not the TB itself). The thunderbird fetches the folders correctly but I don't get notification about the mails which are in a folder... :( I do not know the reason.

Answer for vaites's question: Sorry for my late. No, I use the IMAP server of my university which is completely different from the GMail.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.4.1). 

Thanks for your response Róbert, I'll try to fix this problem in next version. ¿Are you using GMail or other service?